Thursday, August 24, 2006


Welcome to Space Shark Helicopter 2025, the place for news and commentary about space, sharks, helicopters, and of course, Space Shark Helicopters. What is a Space Shark Helicopter? It has yet to be invented. But it will be. It's a helicopter, essentially, that looks like a shark (think: Airwolf), but it can fly into space. I predict this vehicle will be feasible by the year 2025.

In truth, this is not solely my idea. It's the product of a brainstorming session with my friend Thom Freeman's then-10-year-old son, Fletcher, and his sister Dagny. Fletcher and I had an idea for a cartoon based on the SSH, called, well, SpaceSharkHelicopter 2025. The tagline would be "Comin Atcha!" "Sharky" would pilot this craft and champion its mission of intergalactic truth and justice (except for seals). His archenemy would be ManaTina, pilotress of the Manatee Jet, which would also be able to go into space.

That's about as far as we got.

But the fascination from which this idea sprang continues to thrive, the fascination with Sharks, Helicopters, and their push into Space. Expect here links and commentary relating to these topics. If you share this fascination, please feel free to post a comment and a link to any stories worth linking.

Until then. Here's the latest headline, a sad, sad story from AFP. A metaphor for the human condition, really.

"Scientists seek to save baby-eating sharks from themselves" [AFP]